This craziness may have started as a mid-life crisis but over the years it has become so much more. And like most things in life it is not about the destination but the journey you take and the people you meet along the way. Meet the Last Great Road Trip team, a group of amazing people who make our off-road adventures and road trips journeys some of the best adventures ever.

Brad – Navigator, photographer, video camera man and all around support. Brad’s contributions have made many our off-road adventures possible.

Other Paul – Philosopher, driver (Land Rover Defender 90), off-road tactician, explorer, photographer, support and navigation as well as occasional freelance story contributor.

Young Turk – Cook, support and driver (Toyota FJ40, Toyota BJ60), the Young Turk brings a young man’s perspective to a team of old guys.

Hula Betty – Writer and world traveler Hula Betty contributes stories that make you laugh and cry as she takes you on her road trip adventures around the world and across the USA.